The Museum of Claretian Martyrs in Barbastro The Blessed Claretian Martyrs of Barbastro are the 51 Claretian missionaries martyred and killed by anarchist militiamen at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, from 2 to 18 August 1936, in the Huesca town of Barbastro, Spain, and whose festivity is celebrated every year on 13 August . During the religious persecution in the years of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), 88% of the clergy of the diocese of Barbastro were assassinated. The Museum of the Claretian Martyrs provides us with an up close look at the religious intensity of the 51 martyrs. Diverse personal objects are displayed, among which the most noteworthy are the texts written during their captivity, shortly before they were executed. The museum consists of four areas: - The chapel dedicated to the martyrs, where the remains of the young men are preserved. - An exhibition of several personal objects and keepsakes. - An exhibition of paintings and a memorial area to all of the martyrs. - The Sala Magna shows the human life, intellect and spirit of the seminary. These photos were taken during a guided visit to the Museum in August 2020. The director of the Museum the Claretian priest José Maria Berruete gave us a very complete account of the martyrdom of Barbastro. Berruete is also the author of some of the museum's most representative paintings, graphically documenting Barbastro's martyrdom. More information: http://www.martiresdebarbastro.org/museo.html