in the Cemetery of Sant Andreu, Barcelona the Pantheon of the Soldier The Cemetery of Sant Andreu was created in 1839 as a municipal cemetery of the -at that time- independent village of San Andreu del Palomar, in a land previously used for agriculture, the Can Calç farmhouse. With the aggregation of the villa in 1897, it became part of Barcelona. Inside the cemetery there is the “Panteón del Soldado” / “Pantheon of the Soldier”, a monument built on the grave of the soldiers of the army of Urgel, belonging to the rebel side during the Spanish Civil War. It was placed in 1941 by Juan Gordillo Nieto and Miquel Niubó Munté, based on an idea by Captain General Luis Orgaz. It consists of two underground rows of niches and over them a bounded space with an altar and a cross, which is placed at the bottom, and a statue of a soldier guarding the entrance. The statue was made by an anonymous author, and because of its political significance it has been a frequent object of vandalism. On the other side of the soldier there is a cairn that apparently had the Francoist shield, and that in democracy was changed into a constitutional one. In 1995 a plaque was added with the inscription «Honor y gloria a los que dieron su vida por la patria» / "Honor and glory to those who gave their lives for the homeland." These photos were taken in September 2019.