According to the institution Memorial Democràtic “at the beginning of 1939, with the rapid advance of the national troops, Molló became an important enclave for thousands of people who were heading towards Coll d’Ares (1513 m) from where they would cross the French border and start out on the road to exile. This is the way that more than 100.000 republicans, including soldiers and civilians, used to go into exile in France.These photos were taken on Saturday 26th February 2019 and they show the celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Retirada in Coll d’Ares. On this day the majors of Molló and Prats de Molló -Josep Coma and Claude de Ferrer- and the president of the Generalitat de Catalunya Quim Torrà met in Coll d’Ares. One of the photos shows Frederic Lorente, born in Xàtiva in 1938, with the Republican flag that his father took when crossing the border in February 1939.