In the Cathedral of Eivissa On the night of 13th September 1936, 93 people who had been jailed in the Castle of Eivissa (Spain) were killed by anarchists. This was the response to the bombs that the Italian fascist aviation had launched that noon on the city and that, in turn, caused the death about 40 and 55 people. This event known as Els fets del Castell is considered without doubt as one of the blackest ones in the contemporary history of the island of Eivissa. Since October 1940, most of the bodies of the 113 people killed during the 45 days that General Bayo's Republican troops were in the Pitiüses, rest and are remembered in the Cathedral of Eivissa by means of a plaque with their names. Among the people buried there are 21 priests, people of all social classes, members of Acción Católica and right-wing people. At the foot of the image of the Reclining Christ is also today a plaque that advocates "always seeking peace and praying for all the victims of war". Althought the Reclining Christ was made in 1937 most of the religious images and works of art in Eivissa were preserved thanks to the intervention of the poet Rafael Alberti who was on the island in those days. According to the Enciclopèdia d'Eivissa and Formentera, Els fets del Castell were used as a way of propaganda by Franco’s dicatatorship and the Church for decades. In April 2016 a memorial for 132 victims of franquism in Eivissa was also inaugurated in the Eivissa Old Cemetery. This picture was taken in January 2017.