for the Spain they believed to be better: Peace Museum in Gernika On 26th April 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, the city of Gernika was swept to the ground by German and Italian planes from the Condor Legion and the Aviazione Legionaria, sent by Hitler and Mussolini to support Franco's troops. For nearly four hours, bombs dropped on Guernica in an "experiment" for blitzkrieg's tactics and the bombing of civilians seen in later wars. One of the reasons Gernika was chosen for the bombing is due to its importance both politically and historically. Underneath the Gernika tree’s branches, Basques were granted autonomy in the Middle Ages. Next to the tree is the Biscayan Assembly, a place where the political leaders have meet to decide the fate of their people over the ages. The Gernika bombing was deliberately made on Monday because it was known that Basques outside Guernica would travel to the city on Market Day, thereby giving German and Italian aircraft pilots a chance to kill so many innocent people as possible. Gernika Peace Museum, opened in 1998, is an interactive museum which takes visitors back to 26th April 1937, when bombs and fire rained down from the sky and the streets of Gernika were razed to the ground. According to the official site of Gernika-Lumo council “its impressive, comprehensive exhibition of photographs and audiovisual records containing accounts of survivors of the tragedy make it a place not to be missed”. The Gernika Peace Museum targets at creating an attractive and dynamic area that does not expect to impose absolute truths, but invites visitors to ask themselves and talk about peace. The motto of the museum states that "It is a museum to remember, a museum for the future". These photos were taken in December 2020. More information: https://www.museodelapaz.org/