In La Garriga: entrance to the railway station air-raid shelter According to La Garriga city council and to Memorial Democratic “the air-raid shelter of la Garriga railway station was built by the people from La Garriga in 1938, under the orders of the “Passive Defence Board” and served to protect the town from airstrikes, especially when it was mortally struck by Francoist bombs on 29th January 1939. The military coup d’état on July 18, 1936 against the rule of law represented by the Government of the Republic, led to the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). One of the most important factors for the Francoist victory was the war in the air. Franco, with the help of the Italian and German air-forces, carried out systematic bombing raids on the civil population and turned the rearguard into another battle front. This led to the building of thousands of public and private air-raid shelters in Catalonia. With this purpose in mind, in June 1937 the Government of Catalonia created the Passive Defence Board, which spread to the local level. In la Garriga, in 1938, the local Board and the population built a shelter near the train station dug directly into the granite rocks, with more than 110 metres of galleries. The shelter was used to protect the population from air raids such as the one that hit la Garriga on January 29, 1939, taking a death toll of 15. Situated right next to the railway station, the station air raid shelter is the first shelter in Catalonia to become a museum. It is an exceptionally well preserved shelter, dug directly into the granite rock and contains more than 110 metres of passageways.” These photos were taken in February 2018 and show the interior of the air-raid shelter.