Memorial to the victims of the Liceu Escolar The Liceu Escolar de Lleida was a school with a modern, progressive pedagogy system in the line of the New Catalan School. It was founded in Lleida in 1906 by Frederic Godàs and Victoria Vila Badia. The Liceu Escolar de Lleida was bombed by the Fascist Italian aviation during the Spanish Civl War on 2 November, 1937. On that day 12.000 kg of bombs were dropped in Lleida, resulting in 700 casualties. During the raid in the school 48 children and several teachers died. Up to now it is not clear if the bombing of the Liceu Escolar was planned or was a mistake. In 2006 the Lleida City Council placed a memorial monument to the victims of the Liceu Escolar on the place where the Liceu Escolar was. The sculpture, whose name is “Memòria, dignitat i vida”, was made by Agustí Ortega. These photos were taken in September 2019.