According to memorial democràtic "the period going from Spanish Civil War to the Second World War (1936-45) was especially relevant in the Pyrenees of Lleida. The arrival of Franco’s troops in April 1938 lead to the stabilization of the front during nine months and drove thousands of persons into exile through the mountain passes into Andorra and France. The outbreak of the Second World War brought thousands of people fleeing from the Nazi-occupied Europe to Spain. In October 1944, the area was a scene of the main activities of the armed guerrilla that was trying, to no success, to defeat Franco. The chain of public events lead the Franco regime to seal off the Pyrenees constructing an impressive line of fortified bunkers.The outbreak of the Second World War lead to the construction of The "Línea P", a fortified line of bunkers crossing the Pyrenees from one end to the other so as to avoid a possible invasion by a European army. The Cerdanya, given its strategic location, is one of the places with the most bunkers. The park of bunkers of Martinet and Montellà gives the key to understanding the context of the times, the reasons behind this project and the experiences which were lived in these spaces. The visitor’s centre also includes an outdoor itinerary going through eight different types of bunkers an a network of underground interconnected tunnels." These photos were taken in April 2018 and show one of these bunkers.