Monument to the Fallen in Pamplona The Monument to the Fallen in Pamplona is a building to the memory of the 4,500 Navarrese dead from the rebel side in the Spanish Civil War, especially to the "requetés" fallen in the fighting. Its official name is “Navarra to their dead in the Crusade / Navarra a sus Muertos en la Cruzada " which appears on its facade, although today it is hidden with the new name and use: " Exhibition Hall / Sala de exposiciones / Erakusketa Aretoa". It is located in the Second Ensanche of Pamplona and was built in 1942 by the architects José Yárnoz and Víctor Eusa, after the Spanish Civil War. It currently houses small municipal exhibitions. Several soldiers were buried in its crypt from 17th July 1961 to November 2016, including two who were among the maximum responsible for the coup against the Republic, whose partial failure triggered the Civil War: Emilio Mola, who was the Military Governor in Pamplona and José Sanjurjo, born in Pamplona and who was in exile in Estoril, Portugal, for the attempted coup in 1932 (the "sanjurjada"). The building was donated by the Obispado de Pamplona to the city council, on the condition that no element be permanently removed or modified and that it be used for cultural purposes. For this reason, the Pamplona City Council, then governed by a coalition of the Navarran political right, UPN and CDN, carried out a restoration while maintaining all the elements, although hiding both the external Francoist shields, the inscription and name of the front building, as well as the inscriptions inside the building. Since then it has been used as a place for temporary exhibitions, with the name "Conde de Rodezno Municipal Exhibition Hall". The symbology of this monument is controversial. The opinions expressed to advise its modification, remodeling and even its demolition have been going on for years. The symbolism of the Franco era has not been withdrawn, although it has been hidden with woods and posters. However, The withdrawal of Francoist symbolism has been mandatory by law in Navarra since the publication of the la Ley de Símbolos de Navarra de 2003 / Navarre Symbols Act of 2003. These phtos were taken in December 2020 and show some exterior views of the Monument to the Fallen in Pamplona and the Plaza de la Libertad, includint the sculpture “Coreano” (1950) made by Jorge Oteiza and placed in the square in 1999. More information: https://europeanmemories.net/magazine/mausoleum-of-terror-fallen-in-pamplona-and-cuelgamuros/ https://academica-e.unavarra.es/bitstream/handle/2454/28668/06MartinezCEEN91.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y