Cross of the Holly Mission in Sant Joan Despí (Barcelona) According to the Democratic Memorial Memory Bank / Banc de Memòria Democrática del Memorial Democràtic this preserved francoist symbol consists of a “stone cross located on a base where there is an inscription. This inscription can be read on both sides of the base. The set is located at the end of a path of stone slabs. The transcription of this inscription is SANTA MISION MARZO 1941 FEBRERO 1953. From 19 February to 1 March 1953 the parish of Sant Joan Despí organized the celebration of the Holy Mission. This cross was financed and built by the city council as a souvenir of this celebration. It was located in the gardens next to the church. (…) The Holy Missions were raised by the Francoist regime as a tool to extend its ideology and the return to the Christian life, which was considered the essence of the nation. During the post-war years the Church propagated popular missions, spiritual exercises and the consecration of monuments. Although being religious events, they were supported by the civil and military authorities, who mobilized the people to attend these events”. Although the original inscription on the cross has not been removed it can hardly be seen because of the surrounding hedge. These photos were taken in March 2020.