in Pont de Molins cemetery According to Andreu Caralt / www.diarideguerra.com “on the last days of the fall of Catalonia, military units loyal to the Republic committed several mass killings of Francoist prisoners. The Can Tretze ravine, in the municipality of Pont de Molins, in the region of Alt Empordà and placed a few kilometers from the French border, was the scene of one of the main killings. On February 7, a total of 42 prisoners who had been transported to the ravine by truck were shot dead. The executioners sprayed the bodies with gasoline and burned them, but 10 days later a shepherd discovered the slaughter. Among the dead were a group of people from the Battle of Teruel, called the 'Martyrs of Teruel' as their bishop, Anselmo Polanco, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Teruel, Felipe Ripoll, or the city's defender during the winter 1937-1938, Colonel Domingo Rey de Harcourt. Officers of the Francoist army and the Civil Guard, members of the Condor Legion and Italian troops completed the squad. It seems that the decision to execute the detainees did not come from the Republican high command. Republican General Vicente Rojo had ordered the group to be flown to the central part of the Peninsula, still in the power of the Republic. After the war, the Francoist authorities ordered the removal of the remains of Polanco and Ripoll to Teruel. Harcourt's remains remained in the local cemetery until 1972, despite the demands of the former city defender's family, considered a traitor by the Franco regime. At the foot of the ravine, the Franco regime erected a monument to the murders.” These photos were taken in March 2020 and show some images of the Pont de Molins cemetery, where the 42 victims of the Can Tretze ravine were initially buried. Some of them are still buried there and every year on the weekend closer to February 7, receives the visit of a group of people after the memorial event in honor of the Bishop Anselmo Polanco and the other "Martyrs of Teruel" in the Can Tretze ravine. More information: http://www.diarideguerra.com/fitxa-3-25-92-f46/guerra-civil-a-catalunya/espais-de-lexili-catala/alt-emporda/monolit-franquista-de-can-tretze.html#.Xeayx2RKgy4