The Motherland Monument is a giant titanium statue that celebrates the Soviet Union’s victory over the nazi Germany. 102 meters high and visible from various points around Kiev, it is the city’s most distintive feature. Designed by Yevgeny Vuchetich and Vasyl Borodai it was opened on 9 May 1981. According to the website of the The National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War “the Motherland Monument is one of the visiting cards of Kiev. The sculpture is a part of the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War and symbolizes the feat accomplished by people during the war". Exposition halls of the museum are inside the monument’s basement. In modern-day Kiev, the statue remains controversial. In April 2015, the parliament of Ukraine outlawed Soviet and Communist symbols, street names and monuments. However, World War II monuments are excluded from these laws. In this way the shield of the monument is still showing the state emblem of the Soviet Union. According to the website of the The National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War the Memorial complex, presided by the Motherland Monument, “occupies the area of more than 11,24 hectares… …The path to the museum leads through the gallery where five-meter bronze high relief is represented. This composition reflects the courage of border forces, the bravery of those who stayed in the occupied territory, the devotion of Resistance movement members and rear workers. V. Borodai, V. Shvetsov and others sculptors were the authors of these compositions. The bowl of "Fire of Glory" (diameter is 16 meters) is situated on the left side of the hill.. The gallery leads to the main square of the Memorial, where sculpture compositions "The transfer of arms" (author is V. Vinaikin) and "Crossing of the Dnipro" (author is F. Sohoian) are situated. Square can accommodate about 30 thousand people during mass celebrations. In honor of national holiday related to the Second World War many events are celebrated here.” These photos were taken in April 2019 and show the bronze relieves, the sculpture compositions "The transfer of arms" and "Crossing of the Dnipro" and the Motherland Monument.