According to the website enjoyukraine.info “The Park of Eternal Glory in Kiev is a memorial complex that is located on the steep slope of the Dnieper where you can see a spectacular view on the city. The full name of the park is The Park of Eternal Glory to the Soldiers of The World War II. In this park you can only see the monuments dedicated to those who gave up their lives while protecting their Motherland. People come here to honor the memory of soldiers, to honor their heroic deeds. The Glory Obelisk takes the central place in the park. It was installed in 1957. At the pedestal of 26 meter stella you can find a Grave of an Unknown Soldier. The Eternal Fire also reminds us about heroic deeds of our ancestors. The Flame for ceremonial opening was brought directly from the Mamaev barrow, from the field of the Stalingrad battle. In the park there is an observational terrace with a spectacular view on the Kevo-Pecherska Lavra. There are many newlyweds in this park during the weekends. After having the official part at the registry office they go to the Park of Eternal Glory to lay flowers to the monument of an Unknown Soldier. Nobody knows when this tradition was born, but nobody thinks that it should stop.” These photos were taken in April 2019 and show some views of the The Park of Eternal Glory to the Soldiers of The World War II.