On this location on the Cementerio de la Almudena, 13 women were executed by the Nationalists on 5 August 1939, shorly after the ending of the Spanish Civil War According to F. Javier Barroso / El País 12.02.19 “"The “Trece Rosas,” as they are known in Spanish, were a group of 13 young women who were part of the Unified Socialist Youth (JSU) group. They were executed by a Francoist firing squad against one of the cemetery’s old walls on August 5, 1939. The execution of these women, the story of which inspired a number of novels, movies, documentaries and songs, was not an isolated event. “More than 3,000 people who fought for democracy and freedom were murdered [against the cemetery walls] between 1939 and 1944,” one of the inscriptions there reads". These photos were taken in January 2022.