Missing Lenin?
Muzeon Park of Arts in Moscow: Soviet busts
According to the magazine Moscow in your pocket the Muzeon Park of Arts in Moscow is the final resting place for the many Soviet statues evicted from Russia’s parks and squares following the collapse of Communism. Formerly called the Park of the Fallen Heroes, it was founded in 1992. From then on The park has been accumulating monuments and today its collection comprises more than 700 sculptures, including some notable pieces by Vera Mukhina, Ivan Shadr, Yevgeny Vuchetich, Yevgeny Chubarov and a number of other contemporary sculptors.
Highlights include the huge steel sculpture of the Soviet world, innumerable giant pedestal-less Lenins, monuments to the Red Army, and a de-nosed Stalin. In 2013 the Krymskaya embankment became a pedestrian zone and part of the Muzeon park.
The photos below show the busts of the most important politicians and leaders from Soviet Union:
-Lenin by Merkurov, 1939
-Lenin by Bichulov, 1981
-Kosygin by Tomsky
-Brehznev by V.Kh.Dumanyan, Yu.G.Orekhov, 1970
-Brehznev by Bichkov, 1981
-Lenin by Vilensky, 1942
-Stalin by Vilensky, 1947
-Karl Marx by Merkurov, 1939
These photos were taken in April 2017