According to its website the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia «is located in the former Latvian Red Riflemen Memorial/Museum building (architecs Dzintars Driba and Gunärs Lüsis-Grïnbergs), reconstructed with an annex designed by architect Gunärs Birkerts and opened in 2022. The memorial complex also includes the granite monument to the Latvian Riflemen (sculptor Valdis Albergs), unveiled in 1971. The Riflemen’s Square along Grëcinieku iela is complemented by a memorial (sculptor Kristaps Gelxis) erected in 2021. The Museum’s Mission is: -Remember what happened to Latvia, to its people and land during the Soviet and German National Socialist regimes from 1940 to 1991. -Commemorate those who were unjustly convicted and murdered, who died fighting for foreign powers, who suffered and died during repressions and deportations, who fled the occupation forces, and were scattered throughout the world. -Remind the world of the offences carried out by foreign powers against the Latvian state, its land, and its people. The Museum of the Occupation of Latvia is a state accredited private museum, founded in 1993. It is maintained and managed by a public charitable organisation, the Occupation Museum Association of Latvia (LOMB).» These photos were taken in May 2024 and show a selection of images of the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia.