Niagara-on –the-lake cenotaph commemorates the lives of those lost in the First and Second World Wars, and is a symbol of Niagara-on-the-Lake’s significant military history. It was first unveiled in the town's main street on June 3, 1922. These are the inscriptions of the cenotaph: Front: ON THE SEA, LAND AND IN THE AIR THEY LAID DOWN THEIR LIVES FOR OUR FREEDOM CENOTAPH TO THE MEMORY AND HONOUR OF THE MEN OF NIAGARA ON THE LAKE WHO GAVE THEIR LIVES IN THE GREAT WAR 1914-1918 AND IN WORLD WAR II 1939-1945 1914 – 1918 (…) 1939 – 1945 (…) 1950 - KOREA - 1953 THEIR NAME LIVETH FOR EVERMORE Both sides: THIS CENOTAPH IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF CANADIANS WHO DIED IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR COUNTRY THEIR NAME LIVETH FOR EVER MORE These photos were taken in August 2022.